Felix Baumann
Felix Baumann (*1991) - lives in Berlin and works as a freelance artist in an international context. In his work he focuses on an interdisciplinary approach that blends physical theater, dance, circus, and visual arts and uses humor to reflect about contemporary topics and metaphors and absurdities of everyday life.
After earning a Master's in Physical Theatre from the renowned Accademia Teatro Dimitri (CH), he founded the company Von B bis Z, creating and performing international projects across Europe. His full-length works include The WARdrobe (2019), How Things Go (2020), Suitcaseboarding (2021), Seismic (2021-2022) and ha ha ha hi! (2024) alongside research initiatives like Lab of Fools (2020) and Moving Material (2021). Baumann's collaborations span regional, national, and international partners, including prominent festivals and institutions such as: LOFFT DAS THEATER Leipzig (DE), Kulturräume Berlin (DE), E-Werk Freiburg (DE), Tollhaus Karlsruhe (DE), Studio Alta Prague (CZ), PONEC - Dance venue Prague (CZ), 29th Czech Dance Platform Prague (CZ), Prague Quadrennial (CZ), LES SUBS Lyon (FR) and Biennale de la danse Lyon (FR), Officine Caos Torino (IT), City of Wings Ypres (BEL), Passage Festival (DNK), Malmö Festivalen (SWE), SPRAOI Festival (IRL).
Parallel to his work as a director and performer, Baumann also works as a lecturer and led various workshops and laboratories in collaboration with renowned international institutions and organizations such as: Continuo Theatre (CZ), Accademia Teatro Dimitri (CH), Rose Bruford College (UK), Accademia Dell'Arte (IT), DAMU - Academy of Performing Arts, Prague (CZ), SENECA INTENSIV Berlin (DE). Plateforme De La Jeune Création Lyon (FR), Biennale de la danse Lyon (FR).
His work has been supported by the central funding institutions on a national and international level, such as the: Nationales Performance Netz (DE), Dachverband Tanz (DE), Fond Darstellende Künste (DE), Goethe Institut (DE), ESKAS - Bundes-Exzellenz-Stipendien für ausländische Forschende und Kunstschaffende (CH) and the Czech-German Future Fund (CZ).
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