Felix Baumann
FEB 18-20 Humorlabor Seneca Intensiv Berlin (DE) // Workshop
MAR 4/11/25 Physical Theatre Seneca Intensiv Berlin (DE) // Teachings
MAR 18-22 BAU HOW (AT) LOFFT DAS THEATER Leipzig (DE) // Research + Showing
MAR 20 Humorlabor LOFFT DAS THEATER Leipzig (DE) // Workshop
APR 11-12 Suitcaseboarding DIOD Jihlava (CZ) // Performance
MAY 2 How Things Go Ringloschuppen Ruhr (DE) // Performance
JUNE 22 h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ hi! Blue Ballon Festival Nordhausen (DE) // Performance
JUL 4-6 How Things Go ULICA Festival Kraków (PL) // Performances
AUG/SEPT h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ hi! Off-bühne Chemnitz Komplex (DE) // Performance
SEPT 19-21 How Things Go Brucca Festival Kalbe (DE) // Performance
OCT 24-26 h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ hi! Žižkostel Prague (CZ) // Performance
NOV 10-16 BAU HOW (AT) LOFFT DAS THEATER Leipzig (DE) // Research + Showing
FEB 2-4 Lab of Fools Studio 0/1 Berlin (DE) // A laboratory
FEB 15 ha ha ha (WT) LOFFT DAS THEATER Leipzig (DE) // Workshop
FEB 17 ha ha ha (WT) LOFFT DAS THEATER Leipzig (DE) // W.I.P showing
MAR 8-10 Lab of Fools Studio 0/1 Berlin (DE) // A laboratory
APR 9-10 Suitcaseboarding LOFFT DAS THEATER Leipzig (DE) // German Premiere + Workshop
APR 12-14 How Things Go City of Wings Ypres (BEL) // Belgian Premiere
MAY 18 Move, research, play TanzAreal Karlsruhe (DE) // Workshop
MAY 18 h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ hi! (WT) Tollhaus Karlsruhe (DE) // W.I.P sharing
MAY 29 How Things Go Circostrada meeting at Tollhaus Karlsruhe (DE) // BUZZ Pitching Session
JULY 29-30 How Things Go Passage Festival (DNK) // Performances
AUG 3-4 How Things Go Spraoi International Street Arts Festival (IRL) // Irish Premiere
AUG 9 How Things Go Fanø Gadeteater Festival (DNK) // Performance
AUG 10-11 How Things Go Street Cut Festival (DNK) // Performance
AUG 14-15 How Things Go Malmö Festivalen (SWE) // Swedish Performances
AUG 16-17 How Things Go Randers Festuge, Randers (DNK) // Performances
AUG 29-30 Move, research, play Nexo Festival Freiburg (DE) // Workshop
AUG/SEP 31-1 How Things Go Nexo Festival Freiburg (DE) // Performances
SEPT 7 How Things Go Theater am Gleis Winterthur (CH) // Performance
SEPT 28-29 Suitcaseboarding MOVE Fest Ostrava (CZ) // Performance + Workshop
OCT 1-3 Suitcaseboarding Moving Station Pilsen (CZ) // Performance + Workshop
OCT 4-6 Suitcaseboarding Off-Bühne Komplex Chemnitz (DE) // Performance + Workshop
OCT 7-13 h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ hi! (WT) LOFFT DAS THEATER Leipzig (DE) // Residency + Showing
OCT 29 h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶ hi! (WT) Ballhaus Prinzenallee Berlin (DE) // Pre-Premiere
NOV 2 «NACHSPIEL» Voices Performing Arts Berlin (DE) // Premiere
JAN 27 How Things Go Officine Caos, Turin (IT) // Italy Premiere
FEB 18 Suitcaseboarding Cirkopolis Festival (CZ) // Czech Indoor Premiere
FEB 27 Seismic Mala Inventura, PONEC Prague (CZ) // Performance
MAR 15-16 Seismic LES SUBS, Lyon (FR) // French Premiere
MAR 30 Seismic Czech Dance Plattform Prague (CZ) // Performance
APRIL 1 How Things Go Theater Burgbachkeller, Zug (CH) // Swiss Premiere
MAY 13 Standup (WT) No Elephants Festival, E-Werk Freiburg (DE) // W.I.P Performance
MAY 25 Seismic PONEC - Divadlo Pro Tanec Prag (CZ) // Performance
JUNE 9 How Things Go PQ+23 Prague (CZ) // Performance
AUG 4 How Things Go Sommerwerft Frankfurt (DE) // Performance
SEPT 6 How Things Go Theaterforum Kreuzberg Berlin (DE) // Performance
SEPT 22 Seismic Focus Danse - Biennale de la Danse Lyon (FR) // Performance
SEPT 23-28 Dance of Instability Le Plateform - Biennale de la Danse Lyon (FR) // Workshop
OCT 7-8 How Things Go To the moon Festival at TEATER MØN (DNK) // Performance
DEC 3 Seismic Le Festival de Danse Cannes Côte d'Azur (FR) // Performance
MARCH 12 7 Weights Physical Theatre Ensemble, Karlsruhe (DE) // Workshop
MARCH 27 How Things Go Officine Caos Festival, Turin (IT) // Performance (postponed)
MAY 25 SEISMIC LES SUBS, Lyon (FR) // W.I.P presentation
JUNE 4 Suitcaseboarding Cirkuff Festival, Trutnov (CZ) // Performance
JUNE 11 How Things Go Kastle Kacina (CZ) // Performance
JUNE 30 Suitcaseboarding Hradec Kralove (CZ) // Performance
JULY 8-10 Von B bis Z Dis-Tanzen Festival, Berlin (DE) // Presentation
AUG 21 How Things Go Oase der Imagination, Dresden (DE) // Performance
SEPT 24 NOON (by Continuo) La Fabrica, Prag (CZ) // Performance
OKT 22 Suitcaseboarding PONEC - Divadlo Pro Tanec, Prag (CZ) // postponed
NOV 22 SEISMIC PONEC - Divadlo Pro Tanec, Prag (CZ) // Czech premiere
DEZ 2-4 SEISMIC LOFFT - DAS THEATER Leipzig (DE) // German premiere
NOV 16 How Things Go Work-In-Progress showing, at Divadlo X 10, Prag (CZ)
OKT 3 The WARdrobe German Premiere at TFK Berlin (DE)
JUNE 6 The WARdrobe PQ+19, Studio Alta, Prag (CZ)
MAY 14 The WARdrobe Prag Premiere at Studio Alta, Prag (CZ)
APRIL 27 The WARdrobe Czech Premiere at Plum Yard (CZ)
APRIL 6 The WARdrobe Work in progress showing, at Katapult Berlin (DE)
MARCH 18 The WARdrobe Work in progress showing, at Bakelit Multi Art Centre (HU)
FEB 2 The WARdrobe Work in progress showing, at FACT Festival Budapest (HU)
FEB 3-14 How things go Residency for professional artists at Studio Alta (CZ)
FEB 8.-9 7 Weights Alter Ego X, Paris (CZ)
JUNE 6 How things go Premiere at Plum Yard, Malovice (CZ)
JUNE 20/21 How things go Lungs of Zizkov / Tanec Praha Festival, Prag (CZ)
JULY 1-5 Lab of Fools Studio ALTA in Invalidovna, Prag (CZ)
JULY 2-3 How things go Studio ALTA in Invalidovna, Prag (CZ)
JULY 8 How things go Prague street theatre festival ZA DVEŘMI (CZ)
JULY 21-23 7 Weights Szene 2wei Lahr (DE)
AUGUST 27 How things go #energieprokulturu festival in České Budějovice (CZ)
SEP 30 How things go Residency and presentation of works, at KABUFF E-Werk, Freiburg (DE)
OCT 3 7 Weights Labormanifest #11 Tanznetz Freiburg (DE)
OCT 4 How Things Go Labormanifest #11 Tanznetz Freiburg (DE)
JAN 18-20 How things Go Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg (DE) // online presentation
FEB 19-27 How Things Go Mala Inventura Festival Prague (CZ) // online presentation
APRIL 19-26 Seismic LOFFT Das Theater Leipzig (DE) // POSTPONED
MAY 21 How Things Go Kulturzentrum Tempel Karlsruhe (DE) // POSTPONED
MAY 22 7 Weights Kulturzentrum Tempel Karlsruhe (DE) // POSTPONED
JUNE 4 Seismic Schloss Bröllin e.V. (DE) // Work-in-progress
JUNE 10-11 Suitcaseboarding Cirkopolis Festival, Kasárny Karlín Prague (CZ) // Premiere
JUNE 12 How Things Go Art Centrum Galerie 4, Cheb (CZ) // Performance
JUNE 18 How Things Go Open Air Festival Hradec Kralove (CZ) // Performance
JUNE 25 Suitcaseboarding Luhovaný Vincent Festival (CZ) // Performance
JULY 1-7 Moving Material Studio Alta in Invalidovna Prague (CZ) // Laboratory
JULY 15 How Things Go Notstrom Festival, E-Werk Freiburg (DE) // Performance
JULY 16 How Things Go Notstrom Festival, E-Werk Freiburg (DE) // Performance
JULY 17 How Things Go TRACKS, Fleischmarkthalle Karlsruhe (DE) // Performance
JULY 18 7 Weights Kulturzentrum Tempel Karlsruhe (DE) // Workshop
JULY 18 PLAM (by Continuo) Kulturzentrum Tempel Karlsruhe (DE) // Performance
JULY 21 PLAM (by Continuo) Ceska Lipa (CZ) // Performance
JULY 21 PLAM (by Continuo) Prechody | Übergänge Festival Gmünd (AT) // Performance
JULY 25 How Things Go Prechody | Übergänge Festival Gmünd (AT) // Performance
JULY/AUG Seismic LOFFT Das Theater Leipzig (DE) // Residency
AUGUST 7 How Things Go Komedianti v ulici Tabor (CZ) // Performance
AUGUST 13 How Things Go Švestkový Dvůr / Plum Yard, Malovice (CZ) // Performance
AUGUST 14 How Things Go Summer Festival Vimperk (CZ) // Performance
AUGUST 15 How Things Go Festival Na prknech dlažbě i trávě Brno (CZ) // Performance
AUGUST 18 How Things Go Pristav 18600 Prague (CZ) // Performance
SEPT 5 How Things Go Regionsentdeckertag Hannover, Garbsen (DE) // Performance
SEPT 18 How Things Go Bühne Frei - Landesmuseum BaWü Stuttgart (DE) // Performance
SEPT 24 How Things Go Mime in Policka (CZ) // Performance
SEPT 25 How Things Go Malá Inventura festival, Karlovy Vary (CZ) // Performance
OCT 8 Plan B, C, D Studio Pro Arte Freiburg (DE) // W.I.P performance
OCT 10 How Things Go Festival Kammermachen, Chemnitz Komplex (DE) // Performance
OCT 15-21 Moving Material Studio Alta in Invalidovna Prague (CZ) // Laboratory
OCT 14/15 PLAM (by Continuo) Full Spin Festival Essen (DE) // Performance
NOV 4-17 Seismic LOFFT Das Theater Leipzig (DE) // Residency + W.I.P performance
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